Last week we celebrated the annual Coaches Day, on October 6 and, since this was a day for people to honour a coach who made a difference in their lives, I wanted to share some thoughts on why hiring one is a very good idea.
The concept of personal coaching is gaining more popularity every single day. That’s because it works! Call it life coaching, business coaching, leadership coaching, personal development coaching, deprogramming coaching, health coaching, language coaching…
A life coach plays multiple roles in your life: unlocking your potential, allowing you to discover your best self, and acting as a motivator, accountability partner and strategist. The effectiveness and dedication that great coaches use to transform your life quickly emphasises the reality, which is that by getting coached you are investing in yourself.
Coaches help people to successfully cross the finish line by offering guidance, support, education and empowering tools of accountability. Oh and of course, celebration. Because it is important to keep track of successes, however small.
I’ve seen many people having smaller and bigger successes every day, but what I’ve rarely seen is an acknowledgment of their success. We are so used to striving for more that we don’t even recognise when we’ve accomplished something. Instead, we take it for granted.
If you’re skeptical about this practice ask yourself a question, “Are you truly happy, fulfilled, healthy and successful? Or is there something that still nags you at the back of your mind?” I strongly advise you to at least consider coaching as a possibility. It may turn out to be the best decision you’ll ever make. That’s certainly what happened to me.
We tend to avoid what we fear most doing. Ironically it is these feared actions that generally lead to our goals being accomplished and our dream life becoming a reality. A coach serves as a helpful guide who works with you through powerful coaching conversations. The result being, that you overcome those limiting barriers, enabling you to finally succeed.
So what is coaching again?
It is a thought-provoking and creative process that enables you to make conscious decisions and empowers you to become leader in your own life. And being a leader is not about a job title. It is about taking responsibility for our world. So why don’t you give it a try and have a complimentary session with Roxana at English Connection
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