Lead vs Led & L.E.D.

Lead vs Led & L.E.D.

The words lead vs. led are particularly tricky because sometimes they sound alike and sometimes they don’t. Led (which rhymes with red) is both the past and past participle form of the verb lead (which rhyme with deed). The verb lead means to guide, direct, or...
Then vs Than

Then vs Than

Then and than are two commonly confused words with different meanings and grammatical roles. The Meaning of Then Then (pronounced with a short “e” sound) refers to time. It’s typically an adverb, but it’s also used as a noun meaning “that time” and as...
Confidant(e) vs Confident

Confidant(e) vs Confident

Here are another couple of words that sound and look very much alike yet are very different in terms of meaning and use. Confidant and confident. Although these two words are only separated by a single letter in their spellings, they are miles apart in terms of...