Envelop vs Envelope

Envelop vs Envelope

An envelope to envelop you in! Today, I present to you another case of mistaken identities in English. Envelop and envelope are not true homographs, since they can be distinguished by envelop’s lack of a final E. They are quite close, though, and even though their...

Stationary vs Stationery

Stationary vs Stationery

What is the difference between Stationary and Stationery Not only are the terms stationary and stationery homophones, words that sound the same, they are also nearly identical in spelling. One is spelled with an “a” while the other is spelled with...

Towards vs Toward

Towards vs Toward

Signpost When leaning towards boosting your career, studies show that it is important to work toward better communication for success. One aspect of communication among others is grammar, or the specifics and structure of any given language. A...

Complementary vs Complimentary

Complementary vs Complimentary

What is the difference between Complementary and Complimentary? Complementary and complimentary may be spelt quite similarly, but their definition cannot be more different. This is a fact that even native speakers of the English language are mostly unaware...

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